Методичні розробки

Тема заходу: Інтелектуальне шоу «Що? Де? Коли?»

Мета:   - формувати в учнів комунікативні вміння та навички;

     - стимулювати мотивацію та інтерес учнів до вивчення англійської


     - розвивати пам’ять, творчі здібності учнів;

     - виховувати позитивне ставлення та повагу до культури цих країн;

     - виховувати почуття відповідальності, культуру мовлення та уміння


- вчити учнів співпрацювати в команді, виховувати почуття товариськості, доброзичливості, толерантності та наполегливості у досягненні мети.

Обладнання:  музичний супровід, презентація, відео, прислів’я. 

1. Організаційний момент.

а) привітання;

Dear Friends! We are very glad to see you here. Today we are going to have a kind of intellectual game “What? Where? When?” We hope it'll be rather interesting for you and you'll have a good time. So, be attentive, listen to all the questions and try to give, the right answers. We wish you good luck and hope for your active participation. Yes, you'll have to work together to make the common decision and it's possible only when you are united, when you are real friends.

б) повідомлення правил гри:

the game consists of six tasks; 

listen to these tasks carefully;

do not make noise or talk;

touch the desk bell when you are ready to answer; 

for each right answer you’ll get one point;

we will have three breaks. There are musical, tea break and minute of poetry;

when the round is over the jury will check up your answers. The winner of the game will be that who gets more points, the Pupils’ or Viewers’ teams. 

в) представлення команд (коротке повідомлення про склад команди, її назву).

2. Основна частина гри.

1 TASK. Answer the questions. For each right answer you’ll get one point.

l. What do English people usually talk about when they meet?

the weather 

the money 

the hot-dog 

2. Where is London situated?

on the Severn 

on the Thames 

on the Avon

3. What colour are usually taxis in London?




4.What is the British national drink?    




5. What is the most popular outdoor winter sport?




6. What is the great national sport in the USA?




7. What is the official name of Great Britain?

the United Kingdom of Great Britain 

the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 

Great Britain 

8. What is the capital of Great Britain?




9. Where was William Shakespeare born?

in Stratford-on-Avon 

in London 

in Birmingham 

Musical pause

2 TASK. It is connected with holidays and dates. Your task is to answer the questions. For each right answer you’ll get one point.

When do we celebrate St. Valentine Day? 

What holiday do Ukrainian people celebrate on the 28th of June?

When do British people celebrate Christmas Day?

When do pupils begin to go to school after their long summer holidays?

When do we celebrate Women's Day?

What holiday do we celebrate on the 24th of August?

What religious holiday do we celebrate in April or May?

What is the main decoration in every house on New Year?

What season is Halloween celebrated in?

What is the main symbol of Halloween?

Who brings presents at night to New Year for English children?

3 TASK. It is connected with proverbs. Your task will be – to guess the meanings of these proverbs, translate them into Ukrainian. For each right answer you’ll get one point.

Better late than never.

It is never too late to learn.

Lost time is never found again.

There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes.

If you want a thing well done, do it yourself.

To know everything is to know nothing.

4 TASK. It is connected with grammar. Your task will be – to guess the tenses of  the sentences and translate them into Ukrainian. For each right answer you’ll get one point. 

They were at the cinema yesterday.

I will send mу report tomorrow.

I go to the gym every day.

She is writing the letter now.

5 TASK. You are approached  by the teacher from our lyceum. She will describe the thing to you, and you have to guess what is in the black box.

This thing is made of gold which is awarded as first prize in a contest or sport competition.

6 TASK. BLITZ QUESTIONS. It is for the team captain. You will receive six questions. Each correct answer is one point.  You are given 20 seconds to think. Please stand up. And we are beginning now.

The teacher writes on it.

This is a thing in which we put pens, pencils and a ruler to school.

Children use it in Art. 

People read it at school, in the park, at home.

Children put school things on it.

We use it in all lessons and at home.  We write with it. 

 Now we have finished all the tasks and its time to announce the winner. Let's summarize. Our jury, are you ready to tell the results of the game. 

According to the scores we can congratulate the team___________ with the victory and present them with presents as the best English learners” 

Thanks for your activity and participation. You are great! 


Клас: 2-A

Tема: Моя родина та друзі. Почуття та емоції

Підтема: Ми щасливі

Мета уроку:

-     закріплення лексики по темі «Почуття та емоції»;

-    формування навичок аудіювання та читанняформування

граматичних навичок «Стверджувальні речення з дієсловом to be»;

-  вміння використовувати у мові ЛО по темі «Feelings and emotions»;

- відмінювання дієслова to be в однині і множині (ствердження); 

Ключові компетентності: спілкування іноземними мовами, інформаційно-цифрова

Обладнання: підручники, зошити, наочність, роздатковий матеріал, презентація, відео супровід, ТЗН


I. 1. Greeting. Hello, my dear pupils! How are you today?

   2. Lead-in: Listen, read the chant.

T: Have you got pets at home?

Ch: I have got a cat / a dog / …

  3. Aims.

  4. Phonetic exercise:

   Revise ey, ay, oy, form the words and read:





th_ _


pl_ _

t_ _

gr_ _


d_ _

b_ _

h_ _

s_ _

j_ _



II. 1. Vocabulary revision “Feelings and emotions”. Look at our X-mas Tree. Is it happy? Is it sad? Let’s decorate it with the help of emotional snowflakes.

2. Mime game “Are you sad?”

3. Pair work “How are you?”

4. Physical exercise “Cucumber dance”

5. Team work. Grammar Revision of the verb ‘to be’: am, is, are. HOs

I… happy.


He… sad.

He… hot.

We… tired.

We… angry.

They… scared.

They… thirsty.

You… cold.


She… hungry.

She… scared.

6. Number Revision from 1-20. Sing a song together.

7. Classroom game “How many snowmen and presents?” Watch and count.

8. Exercise for eyes. Watch and repeat.

9. Work in the workbooks. / “Prepositions”, ex. 2

III. Summary. Self assessment.

T: So, I see, you worked hard today. How are you now?

 I give you smiles for good, great job! Thank you for the lesson. Goodbye!

Form: 10

Topic: Choose the Career!

Microtopic: My future profession

Main aim: by the end of the lesson learners will be able to tell 3-4 sentences about their future profession using the target language

Subsidiary aims: learners will be able to read the job adverts for giving their recommendations;

                              learners will be able to listen about jobs for discussing the personal qualities the teens must have;

                              learners will be more interested in their future career presenting            their projects

Personal aims: paying more attention to timing;

                          paying attention to using the vocabulary;

                          giving feedback orally

Equipment:  Power Point Presentation, HOs, Pupils’ projects, audio track, board.


I. 1) Greeting.

   2) Warming-up.

   3) Lead-in: a) Prediction. Look at these three pictures and think of the topic of   our lesson today.

T: Today we are going to speak about jobs and professions. We are going to revise all material about profession. We’ll find out what qualities you need to do your best at your future job. You’ll have a good opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of English.

b) Try to unscramble this sentence to read John Galsworthy’s quotation. Do you agree with it or not?


the   about  if   you   think   future   don’t  ,  not   one   you   will   have 


Key: If you don’t think about the future, you will not have one.

T: I quite agree with it. Our future is in our hands. And your future career is in yours.                                                                 

II. 1. Reading skills practice: Job adverts – exercises

T: Do you need some cash? Are you looking for work? Well, look at these job adverts and do the exercises to improve your reading skills.


a) Pre-reading: Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a-f next to the numbers 1-6.

b) While-reading:

1) Read and name Job adverts:

-         Support worker

-         Trainee hairdresser

-         Magazine Writer

-         Model

-         Coffee Beans café worker

2) Rate these jobs from well-paid and popular to low-paid among teens. Tell your ideas.

3) Read the adverts and say what the following jobs require.

T: What does the job of model/writer/trainee hairdresser/support worker/ coffee beans café worker require?

c) Post-reading: 1) Check your understanding: matching.

Complete the recommendations with a job from the box.


A: Support worker

B: Trainee hairdresser

C: Wowee Magazine writer

D: Model

E: Coffee Beans café worker


Nina is studying English and has her own blog. She is a very sociable person, and is interested in music and fashion.


Dave has just finished school and is looking for a full-time job. He is sociable, likes working with his hands and cares about his appearance.


Dewei enjoys helping people. He wants to make a difference to other people's lives. He is looking for opportunities to learn new things that will help him in his career.


Sarah is a student and she is looking for flexible, part-time work. She doesn't want to work in a restaurant or shop. She is tall, beautiful and has her own unique look.


Sam is friendly and sociable. He has experience working in a restaurant and wants a job with more responsibility. He is studying part-time so he needs flexible working hours.


2) Check your understanding: gap fill.

Complete the sentences with A, B, C, D or E. You can use each letter more than once.



You never have to wear your own clothes for job ________.


Job ________ offers possibilities for children under 16 years old.


Your pay for job ________ depends on how successful you are at the job.


Job ________ requires physical contact with customers.


Job ________ offers management opportunities.


You might get some ‘freebies’  if you do job ________.


You need to work closely with your team for job ________.


Job ________ is for someone who likes working with older people.

‘freebies’ - free ticket or free food

2. Listening skills practice:

a) Pre-listening

And now we’re going to talk about jobs for teenagers. As you know it’s very popular in Great Britain and the USA.


Look at the list of professions. Decide which of the jobs can be described using the words or phrases in the list below. You can use some of them more than once.


A.   Babysitting

B.    Fruit picking

C.    Serving customers in a tea-room

D.   Delivering newspapers

E.    Helping in a hairdressing salon

put to bed, trees, blow-dry, get tips, morning paper, customers, wash, fruit boxes, tell stories, front door, do a round, haircut, farm, feed, serve meals, permanent wave, bring the bill, pick fruit, neighbourhood, look after

2) While-listening

You will hear four teenagers talking about how they earn some pocket money. Decide which person does which job. Write the number of the speaker in the correct box. One job does not appear in the recording.

-         Fruit picking – 0

-         Serving customers in a tea-room – 3

-         Babysitting – 1

-         Delivering newspapers – 2

-         Helping in a hairdressing salon – 4

Speaker 1

I have to think about school first of all, because my parents wouldn’t let me work if my grades suffered, so I only work during the holidays. Last year I had a five-year-old to look after three times a week. I had to feed her and then put her to bed. She was all right; a bit difficult sometimes, but I liked to play with her and tell her stories.

Speaker 2

It doesn’t pay too well, but I’m too young to do any other job. I do a round of about twenty houses in the neighbourhood on my bike. It’s only a minute to stop and leave the stuff at the front door, but still, I have to get up around six if I want to finish in time for the school bus. The only problem is when there’s very heavy rain or when it’s really cold.

Speaker 3

It’s a nice place and it’s always full, so you really have to be quick. I work for five hours on Saturday afternoons and earn Ј15 plus tips. It’s not bad, and I like the job because I meet a lot of people all the time. Of course, I have no time to stop at a table and chat, but that doesn’t seem to be a problem. Sometimes you can have a really nasty customer, but that’s very rare.

Speaker 4

I work on Saturdays from 8 in the morning till 5. I’m on my feet all day, and it can be tiring, but I really enjoy it here. Of course I’m not allowed to do the cutting, but I help with perming and blow-drying and I do the washing myself. I’d love to do the job when I leave school.


Think what personal qualities these teens must have.

3. Speaking skills Practice. Children present their projects in the form of the job interview in pair work.

III. Ending: Our lesson is coming to the end. I’ll evaluate you according to the criterions table for your reading, listening and speaking skills.

1.     Homework: Do this task in the ZNO format.

2. Feedback: Let’s name useful tips for getting a job and stick them in the logical order: making a plan, reading job adverts, write a perfect resume, having a job interview, getting a job.

Thank you for your attention! You have been very clever today.



Form: 1-A

Topic: Чия це іграшка? Вивчення літери F f

Aims: повторити вивчені літери алфавіту, ввести літеру F f, називати

          приналежність іграшок ‘Its her / his toy’; мотивувати учнів до вивчення

          англійської мови

Outcomes: на кінець уроку учні називають літери Aa – F f, розрізняють

                  іграшки по кольорам та їх приналежність

Equipment: презентація, пісні, руханка, зошити, роздатковий та наочний



1.     Greeting. Aims. Sing a song.

T: Get ready for the lesson. Today we’ll travel by train to the Toy Shop.

Who will go with me?


2.     Warming -up- Station: -    Phonetic exercise. Sing double chants.

-         Listen and repeat the rhyme:

Bus and plane,

Kite and train,

Cat and hare,

Duck and teddy-bear,

Doll and ball,

Ten toys for girls and boys.


3.     A B C – Station. Sing a song. Find the known letters and circle:

Ss Ff Aa Rr Bb Mm Cc Yy Dd Ee Ff

            Presenting the letter F f. Work in the WBs.

4.     Toys – Station. T: Do you like toys?

                         Game “Toy Block?” What is this? – It’s a …

5.     Break – Station.

Physical exercise “Teddy bear”


6.     Colour – Station.

 Let’s revise the colours. Game “A coloured toy”

T: Point to a coloured toy. A red car. A blue train.


7.     Toy – Shop – Station.

T: Whose toy is this? – It is her / his …


                       Girl  / Her                                        Boy / His





Teddy bear






8.     Summary.



Find the letter and circle it in each word:


D d

Doll, dog, and, dad, cold, Dan


E e

Egg, bell, elephant, bed, ten


F f

Fun, five, fat, fish, after, frog


Діагностувальна тематична робота

 з англійської мови для 2-го класу

з теми «Харчування»


  1. Вибери і напиши do/does:                                                                         

What ______ you like to eat?

_______ he like chicken?     - Yes, he   ____.

What fruit _______ your granny like?

               2. Встав потрібні слова:                                                                                       

I eat ________________________for breakfast.

I drink _____________ for breakfast.

My friend eats___________________ for lunch.

She eats _______________________and drinks __________ for dinner.


 Form: 4

Topic: Sport in Great Britain


1.   Divide the kinds of sports into 2 columns:

Indoor activity                          Outdoor activity



2.   Watch a video about Sport in the UK and complete the sentences:

a)   … is a popular national sport in the UK.

b)  You have to … … cricket when it starts raining.

c)   This is “…” – a game similar to baseball in the USA.

d)  Over 5 million people in Great Britain play ….

e)   Britain’s parks are a great place to go ….

f)    There are … courts in nearly every UK park.

g)  … is less popular in the UK now.

h)  You can see some alternative sports such as …


Key words: skateboarding, cricket, rollerblading, football, tennis, rounders, stop playing, jogging.

3.   Homework:  Cross out the “odd” words:

-        Basketball, chess, football, volleyball, rugby.

-        Karate, wrestling, boxing, cycling, fencing.

-        Figure skating, skiing, hockey, diving, sledging.

-        Swimming, diving, water polo, draughts, boating.

-        Lotto, chess, draughts, drafts, jogging.

-        Stadium, sports ground, pool, court, ring, table.


Form: 5

Topic: Time for leisure

The theme of the lesson: Ways of spending free time. Grammar


1.     Read the poem

Work while you work.

Play while you play.

This is the way

To be happy and gay.

2.     Quiz.

Do you like parties? Are you a party person or not?


Read the questions and tick (√) the correct answer for you. Прочитайте запитання та виберіть свій варіант.

1. Do you like parties?

□ a) Yes, they are fantastic.

□ b) They are OK.

□ c) No, I don’t like them.

2. When you go to a party, who do you talk to?

□ a) Different people.

□ b) One or two friends.

□ c) Nobody.

3. When the music starts, do you dance?

□ a) Yes, with different people.

□ b) Yes, with a friend.

□ c) No, I sit down.

4. When people play games, what do you do?

□ a) I play these games.

□ b) I watch other people playing games.

□ c) I go home.

Add up the number of times you score A, В or C.

□ How many As have you got?

□ How many Bs have you got?

□ How many Cs have you got?

Now find out whether you are a party person.

If you get mostly:

As — You love parties. You are a real party person.

Bs — You quite like parties.

Cs — You don’t like parties.

Let us brush up our grammar. Please, read the  REMEMBER Box on page 70. You understand them, don’t you?

always              завжди                 100%

usually             зазвичай               80 %

sometimes       іноді                      50 %

rarely               рідко                     5%

never               ніколи                   0 %


Do ex.1, p. 70. PB Make up 5 sentences:

I always …

I usually play / go …

I sometimes …

I rarely …

I never …

Speak about your friends and relatives. Do ex.2, p. 70

My friends ….

My classmates …

My parents …

My grandparents …

Homeworkdo ex.3, p. 71. Write the sentences as a model.


Lesson: English

Form: 9

Topic: British Youth


Watch the video about Boarding schools in the UK. Use this address:


Then say: True / False.

1. ____Robert is a pianist.

2. ____Ursule has been in the school for three years.

3. ____ Music lessons in the school focus only on classical music.

4. ____Students from the school all go to UK universities when they leave the school.

5. ____Students receive personal feedback and guidance on how to improve.

6.____ Ganna is studying drama.

7.____ Liam is thinking about becoming a doctor.

8.____ Ivy wishes there were more students in her further Maths classes.


three times a week








Fill the gaps with a word from the box.


For my music GCSE I have lessons and we study lots of different music.


For music, we've got two different teachers and one teaches us composition and the other one teaches us music history.


We have excellent connections to some of the top universities in the UK and, 

 worldwide as well.


We assess their progress and offer them some targets to help them improve in their work.


And that also guides them to try and achieve much more.



There's only three students here, so it's quite good because when you have a question you can just ask the teacher and they just answer you.

Watch the video about Shopping in the UK. Use this address:


Match to make correct sentences about the text.

30 years ago, the catwalks in London, each week, twice a year, 1972, the canal

Camden market was originally next to …

Camden market first opened in …

Half a million people visit Camden market …

Punk fashion didn’t exist …

London Fashion Week is held …

Many fashion trends that we wear start on …

Homework: WBs ex. 10, p. 24


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